Design Elastic Search

Shivam Sinha
4 min readApr 30, 2024


Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

Functional Requirements:

  1. Search documents with given queries. (Full Text Search)
  2. Find top documents (Ranking).

Non-Functional Requirements:

  1. We have billions of documents.
  2. Eventual Consistency. (It’s okay if new documents are included in search queries later.).
  3. Highly Available.


  1. E-commerce Website: Review Search, Product Search
  2. Social Media: Search bar (Post, comment, tweets)
  3. Search Engine

Jamboard Link

How to store Documents:

We will store documents in the form of an inverted index.

Let’s see examples of how this is being stored:

Inverted Index Example

Inverted Index (HashMap):

  1. Product -> [(1,4), (2,0), (3,0)]
  2. Using -> [(1,2)]
  3. Working -> [(1,8)]
  4. Nice -> [(1,9)]
  5. Great -> [(2,2)]
  6. Feature -> [(2,4)]
  7. OverPriced -> [(3,2)]

Documents often contain numerous unnecessary words. Let’s explore ways to remove them.

  1. Remove Stop Words: Useless words that appear often. of, the, are, a, of etc.
  2. Stemming/Lemmatization
  3. Other Cleaning Methods: Removing negative/abusive/sensitive words.

Stemming: It’s fast and simple.

  1. Escaped -> Escap
  2. Escaping -> Escap
  3. Escape -> Escap
  4. Caring -> Car

Lemmatization: It takes context into account.

  1. Caring -> Care
  2. Escaping -> Escape

Example of Search Query:

  1. Search Query: The Product Quality is great.
  2. Cleaning: product quality great.
  3. Intersection: Find all the docs with all the words.
  4. Union: Find all docs that contains any of the word.
  5. Maintain Order of words: [product — i, quality — i+1, great — i+2]

Design DeepDive:

Single Node:

  1. It can cause Single Point of Failure.
  2. Run Out of space.
  3. High Load
  4. Solution: Sharding.

CAP Theorem:

  1. Eventual Consistency: It’s okay if new documents are included in search queries later.
  2. High Availability: System Should be available, whenever we search something.
  3. Partition Tolerant: System should handle any network partitions, it should continue to work despite any number of communication breakdowns.


Shard by Document Id [Recommended]:

DocumentId can be:

  1. ReviewId
  2. LogId
  3. ProductId
  4. PostId/TweetId
Shard by DocumentId


  1. Latency is highly predictable: ResponseTime doesn’t depend on search query.
  2. No need to perform intersection.
  3. Can skip unresponsive/slow shards.
Skip Unresponsive/Slow Shards


  1. Read Heavy: Complexity (Run on all shards)
  2. Write Heavy: Simple (1 Shard)

Shard by Words:

  1. Insert/update/Delete: Go to all shards corresponding to the words in the document. (Multiple Shards)
  2. Query: Go to all shards
Word Sharding

Let’s See How Processing will Work:

Map Reduce:

  1. Search: “product quality good”, Go to all shards -> Run query at every shards.
  2. Each shards will return a list of docs that matches the query.
  3. Collect them all.
  4. Items: Map(Single Shard), Reduce(Combine result from 2 shards) -> Easy to fit in a memory.
Map Reduce


  1. It will be good to have replication in case a node goes down.
  2. Parameter: Number of shards, Replication factor.
  3. n -> number of nodes, M -> shards, R -> replication factor
  4. n ≤ M*R
  5. Master Slave Replication
Master Slave Replication


  1. Rank all the document matches a certain query.
  2. Method: TF-IDF, is a popular method.

TF-IDF (Below Diagram):


ThankYou. Please do give suggestions.

