After successfully completing my studies at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Gwalior, I embarked on a professional journey that has led me to my current role as an SDE-2 at Amazon. Before joining Amazon, I had the privilege of working at (Directi), gaining valuable experience in the industry.

Coding is not just my profession; it's my passion. I actively engage in coding challenges on platforms like HackerEarth, Spoj, CodeChef, and HackerRank, constantly honing my skills and staying sharp in the realm of programming.

My expertise extends to the domain of Data Structures and Algorithms, which I have acquired through rigorous learning and practical applications. As a full-stack developer, I possess a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end development, enabling me to create well-rounded and efficient solutions.

Furthermore, I have delved into the fascinating realms of Data Science and Machine Learning, gaining valuable insights that complement my technical expertise and broaden my capabilities.

Overall, I am a dedicated and versatile professional with a strong foundation in coding, encompassing both software development and the world of algorithms, and I eagerly embrace opportunities to explore and grow in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Connect with Shivam Sinha